European Medical Treatment

Study with 561 cases

298 patient protocols, 20 pathologies with 10 or more patients:

  • 561 cases with an average duration of treatment of 6 weeks
  • Maximum therapy: 30 weeks
  • Therapy > 4 weeks, only when complaint-free
  • May 1999 until February 2000
Pathology Frequency Therapy in weeks No of Patients
Complaint Free Satisfactory Unchanged
General Pain 12 8 6 4 2
General Wellbeing 121 6 88 25 8
Arthrosis / Arthritis 79 7 42 27 10
Intervertebral Disc Problems 12 6 6 2 4
Depression 13 7 7 3 3
Circulatory Disorders / Varicose Veins 29 7 20 6 3
Swelling 10 5 7 2 1
Wound Healing 10 5 10

Problems 13 8 6 3 4
Hypertonia 19 7 12 3 4
Sciatica 13 5 12 1
Headaches 20 6 16 2 2
Migraines 15 6 11 3 1
Muscle Tension 17 6 12 4 1
Osteoporosis 10 7 7 2 1
Psycho-vegetative Disorders 11 9 6 4 1
Rheumatic Disorders 20 5 24 5 1
Sleeping Disorders 47 6 35 9 3
Traumas 14 1 14

Vertebral Syndrome 66 7 45 15 6
Total 561 124 388 120 53


561 Cases corresponds to 100%
Complaint Free Satisfactory Unchanged Average
69% 21% 10% 6 weeks Therapy